
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Some new wildflowers just finished...

Clematis occidentalis

Allium cernuum

Monotropa uniflora

Aster canescens

Cypripedium calceolus

Aralia nudicaulis

Maianthemum canadense

Ledum groenlandicum

You can see by the dates on these that I took a while to get them id'd and done up, but they're coming along now. There're quite a few more, however. Some of you probably remember me finding some of these flowers while we were vacationing together. Others were taken while Gerard and I were on some of our weekend adventures.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Expedition to Vernon June 23, 2007

We thought we'd head to Saskatchewan for a change last weekend when we had a few days off. However when Gerard's sister called needing help with her fence in Vernon, British Columbia, our direction changed entirely. It's been a dry spring for me as a photographer with nothing to post since April , even though the weather was good and wet, and flowers have been everywhere. We'll start summer off with these few I took on the way home from Vernon on the roadside. I'd been trying to get Gerard to stop for a while when finally a pull-out came up with flowers all around, and waterfalls, too. I took off in one direction down the road on a flower hunt, and he took off up into the hills for waterfall photos. It started raining - it had been raining off and on all day - so we got a little wet and had alot of fun.